יום רביעי, 11 במאי 2011

Socail Networks

Add a comment to this picture- Why is it important to people to add friends to their facebook?

15 תגובות:

  1. תגובה זו הוסרה על ידי המחבר.

  2. I think it is important to people to add friends to their facebook because they want to communicate with each other and meet new friends

  3. I think it is imortant to add freinds to the facebook, I want to talk with my friends, and meet new people too.

    Ran And Lee.

  4. To communicate with them in chat instead of call, to know what happens to them through their wall and just to know what happened with them.
    מפז מלול ויהונתן בן חמו !(-:

  5. I think it is important to people to add friends to their facebook because people want to be more pupular and competition of the amount of friends provides them challenge and respect
    Idan .

  6. I think it is important to add frinds to the facebook because that I want to meet with my classmates and contact with my friends.

  7. I think it is important to people to add friends to their facebook beacause they can meet a new people and to be they friends and just talk

  8. תגובה זו הוסרה על ידי המחבר.

  9. אנטון אלישע וגבי

    we think it is important to add friends to the facebook because we can meet new friends and talk with them

  10. התגובה מקרין קרופצקי בתאל בלינדר ופיליפ סילנוק :
    it is important to people to add friends to
    their facebook
    because they want to be more popular and and other people see that they have more friend and like the things they share in the wall .

  11. we think it is important to add friends to the facebook because you can meet new friends and talk whit them . ליאור אמסלם ושילי זיתון

  12. I think its important to add people friends on facebook because, you can talk with tham free and you can share on there wall things that you want that thay will know
    Ronen .V.
    and Din Bitton

  13. its important to add friends to facebook bacause its great to meet new people and connected with them.
    Ruti Milgrom and Karin Bar Lev

  14. I think it is important to add frinds to the facebook since we would like to meet new friend and talk with them instead spend money on the phone.

  15. I think it is important to add friends to the facebook because you can meet new friends and contact with them.Levav and Eden
